Surfing and Painting the Ocean
I’ve been painting the ocean a lot recently, and it occurred to me that I should revisit how surfing and art are intertwined.
Why do I paint the ocean?
I have loved the ocean since I was a child, growing up on the shores of South Jersey. After leaving my hometown, I spent a decade living in various cities away from the coast. But when I was about 30 I discovered surfing, and it changed my life.
When I surf and when I’m in the ocean, I feel:
That I am a part of nature, that I am one with all life
That I am enough, being just me, that I don't have to be anyone else. I don’t have to be a better surfer or a better artist. I can be me
Gratitude and wonder for life’s gifts
Tranquility and peace, even if I am having a rough time with personal or work matters
A child-like joy
Completely in the moment
When I paint the ocean, I paint these feelings into the work. I hope that my art will inspire similar feelings for you.